$10 Premium Listing and Updated New Listing Form

Of all the feedback we’ve gotten since we first introduced Premium listings, the thing we’ve heard more than anything else is that you want Premium features for items with a lower asking price. You got it. As of today you can buy a Premium listing for items valued up to $999 for just ten bucks. You get all the benefits of Premium for a flat, fixed, one time fee.

Why the Change?

We introduced Premium listings in mid-July and since then we’ve been tracking their effectiveness vs Basic listings. Bottom line, Premium listings sell faster and more often than Basic listings. In light of this, the redesigned form focuses on presenting the benefits of Premium listings, along with the price schedule, so you know up front what you’re getting and for how much.

Basic Listing is Still Available

We also put a text link to create a Basic listing just below the green Create Listing button. If you’re not interested in a Premium listing, give it a click and carry on. Basic listing features, listing fee and transaction fees have not changed.


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