Search Enhancements

Our enhanced search options are now available!

The Intelligent search feature will enable you to enter specific search terms in order to significantly narrow your results.  For example, if you enter the sub-category, brand, and zip code in the search field:

Receivers Harman 30312

Your results will show:

Searches will also enable you to search a partial term across multiple categories.  You may enter “solid state” to pull up only solid state amplifiers, or Kardon to see only Harman-Kardon items across all categories, or combine several terms to see results only for “SACD Music $70-200”

We tried to include all of your great suggestions to improve the search tool and hope that you are pleased with its enhanced functionality.  We’ve found it to be more forgiving of spelling errors and certainly more intuitive over our previous search capability, but we’d love to hear your thoughts!

As always, you can contact us through the email portal here and let us know if you have any comments, questions, or ideas.

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